WCBCChat Recap | What We Learned at Blog Your Best 2016

With Blog your best 2016 this past Saturday, our #wcbcchat was a recap of the conference. So today, I (Katie Kelly), along with the other phenomenal members of WCBC, bring to you a recap of a recap… Recap inception.

With there being so many sessions, amazing speakers and a vast amount of knowledge to be soaked in, it was hard for attendees to pick their favorite aspect. Many people appreciated the Media Kit sessions. With Media Kits being vital to a blog and building your brand, yet a very ambiguous topic as to what exactly goes into one, the conference covered everything you needed to know about Media Kits. Canva.com is a great place to formulate a media kit, or you could google media kit templates and go from there! Media kits are viewed as “blogging resumes”, and for those of you (which very well may be majority) who have applied to jobs before, know that it is smart to customize your resume for the specific job you’re applying for. Surprise, surprise! The same concept goes for your media kit! It is smart to curate your media kit depending on what company you are pitching to! It is your resume after all. Also be sure to update it frequently. Minor stats such as Instagram, Twitter, or Facebook followers could be changing everyday, so be sure to keep these ever-changing stats updated fairly frequently. For more major changes, such as brands you work with, pageviews, unique visitors, be sure to keep it updated every couple of months. You all are such hard workers, don’t sell yourself short on your media kit!



People were also loving the photography session. There is always something new to learn with photography, whether it be your camera itself, taking artistic photos, or taking photos that give your blog the “look” you’re going for. Photography is just like any hobby, so practice makes perfect. Find some tips below on how to practice with your camera!


We had a wonderful panel of speakers discussing your blog’s niche and how to standout. The blogging community is huge and constantly growing. Although we are all a part of this huge community, we are all different and it is key to know what does make you stand out. You’ll find some of our members below sharing what makes them unique.



Even once you find or discover what makes your site unique, you may find yourself in a “comparison” trap… It’s natural! We are all human, we compare. You aren’t the odd-person out if you catch yourself comparing. Here are some tips, tricks and helpful mindsets so you don’t get caught up comparing yourself!


Aside from tips and tricks for not getting down on yourself by comparing yourself to others, we had an amazing panel share tips and tricks for working with PR agencies, AD agencies and brands in general. Below the members share some of their favorite tips. Always remember to go beyond and above what is asked of you!


Altogether everyone who attended the conference was very inspired by the end of it! We spread the inspiration in our chat on Monday. Here’s what our members are going to do this week to make their blog better. Be motivated and continue to strive to make your blog and brand better with each passing week!


And, all of the attendees were dressed to the 10’s this weekend! With so many different styles and so many cute outfits it was really hard for our members to pick one distinct favorite, and I still don’t think there is one! All I know is, I’m dying to go shopping after seeing everyone’s outfits.





Recap by Katie Kelly