What to Know About Facebook’s Handshake Tool

  Hey bloggers! A few weeks back we hosted our first ever Photography Workshop. Months before the event we realized we needed to find a way to get the workshop off the ground. This meant we needed to reach out to sponsors and luckily we were able to partner up with a handful of great […]

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A Simple Way to Earn Money Using Social Media

I’m sure you all know by now how much we emphasize the importance of utilizing Pinterest for your blog. So what if there was a simple way to earn money using social media simply by sharing clothing or products you already love? Introducing Maven, an online platform that is reinventing how bloggers share their favorite […]

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How to Win at Pinterest

Bloggers at WCBC repeatedly ask about what they can do to improve their blogs. One thing Kit and I talk about is the importance of using every platform to reach as many people as possible. More specifically, we talk a great deal of the importance in establishing a presence on Pinterest. Many new bloggers aren’t […]

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WCBC Blogging Tips: Facebook

  Here at WCBC we want to give you as many resources as possible to help you reach your maximum blogging potential. Recently we went through and gathered past articles that aid in increasing viewership on social media. This week’s focus: Facebook. If tapped into correctly, you will see a significant return on your blog. […]

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How To Use Pinterest’s Group Boards

Pinterest can be a blogger’s best friend. It is the most “clickable” social media platform and it is easy for posts to go viral. But it can be hard to build a following for your own account so how do you get your content seen? Group Boards. There are group boards for almost everything and […]

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How to Take Better iPhone Photos

Yesterday, we learned what to do with high-quality photos to grow your Instagram following but let’s take it a step back and dissect how to take better iPhone photos for your Instagram feed. Use the Built In Camera – not an app Apps often shrink the storage size of the image by eliminating detail. So […]

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