How to Add Hidden Images to WordPress Posts

You might be wondering what a hidden image is. It’s an image that is included in a blog post, but that remains invisible… until you click the Pin It button. Hidden images are a way to link long pin images to your post without including them in your blog post.

Here’s how you do it.


Add the image (I like to make a long pin like you see above) – it doesn’t matter where you place it, since it will be hidden, but I think it’s easiest if it is the first thing in the post. Then add this line of code in the HTML before the image:

How to Add Hidden Images to WordPress Blog Posts Instructions

I always add the image first, to make sure it was added to the post. Then I add all of the code around the image HTML. If you forget the final bit of code the entire post will become hidden, so don’t forget to paste it in.

Why would you want to create longer images for Pinterest and hide them in your posts? If your pins are longer, people see them for more time as they scroll through Pinterest. Sometimes I let the long pin become part of the blog post, but other times, the long pin would disrupt the layout of my blog post, so I prefer to hide it.